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Our Services

Annual EPR Reporting

Greenstreets can offer your company peace of mind when it comes to remaining legally compliant with provincial EPR legislation. Greenstreets provides a turnkey solution; keeping your company on track with a recommended timeline for the key phases of the Reporting process. 

Data & Methodology Review

Ensure your reporting aligns with evolving legislation and industry best practices. Our analysts will review and cross-check your current approach, providing valuable insights and recommendations. Together, we’ll identify the best path to maintain compliance and improve your reporting practices.

Sustainability Reporting

Most businesses set sustainability targets as part of their wider environmental strategy, typically around climate, water, transport or waste. Measuring packaging sustainability can be a little more challenging. The output from your Annual EPR Report will tell you kilograms of each substrate used, but sometimes further analysis is needed to enact change.

Legislation Tracking

In its nascent state, Canadian EPR legislation is constantly changing. With time it will become a standardized reporting process, but until then, Greenstreets can help. Get notified as new provinces come online, learn about the latest changes to obligated products and more. Knowledge is power.

Report into Provincial EPR
Legislation Tracking Service
Packaging Baseline Services
Lake in winter
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